Monday 6 August 2012

Experimenting with texture

This has been, without doubt, the most difficult and frustrating exercise so far.

I've tried drawing folded fabric, bits of wood, a silk tie, some pottery, some wood bark and a few other bits and pieces. I even tried drawing the texture of a towel, and some suede material.

I also tried some frottage, using the seat of a cane chair.

I tried using pencil and charcoal, using the rubber to create light patches. However, as the pathetic picture below shows, most of the pics turned out really badly, and are just meaningless splodges.

I think I'm going to go back to the Bridgeman library to look at the way the masters do it. I might also try using some other materials, such as pastels or (when I buy one) a dip pen.

Anyway here's the mess....

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