Monday 7 January 2013

Drawing outside: early-morning scenes

These two drawings were done on a misty morning in Beckenham Place Park, which has a public golf course course.

The first picture is of a magnificent large oak which stands next to one of the golf greens. It has lost all its leaves at this time of year, but there was fuzz of twigs at the top which I've tried to show. This took me about 25 minutes, starting with a B pencil and finishing off with the 3B.

I think this exercise showed me that trees are actually quite a lot more difficult to draw than I had expected.

In the second picture, I discovered a little cabin by some abandoned tennis courts. The cabin has been boarded up and it has ivy growing up the side. I spent about 20 minutes on this, and probably should have switched to a softer pencil to get more contrast.

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