Thursday 13 June 2013

Life drawing: poses with female model

This is my fourth session of life drawing, and the model was a young woman with tousled black hair.

The session began with a couple of five-minute studies. This one was done with Conte crayon on orange paper...

For this second pose, we were given 10 minutes. Again I used Conte crayon, experimenting with some white for highlighting (not very successful)

This next pose took 20 minutes. I switched to pencil using an HB which was rather too hard and failed to give much depth. I show the pencil version below, followed by a version that I've worked up thre next day using a graphite pencil. I think the legs look a little short, although they were facing away from me so there was a measure of foreshortening anyway.

Here are the two versions...

For the final pose, we were given an hour. After an initial botched attempt (not shown here) I switched to a 4B pencil and watercolour paper and did one version of the pose. I then switched back to coloured paper, and made better use of the white Conte crayon to achieve highlights.

I have to admit I struggled with the legs and feet turned away from me, but I think I managed to capture the lefthand foot with the sole of the foot facing me, after some use of the rubber to erase early efforts.

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