Monday 15 April 2013

Assignment 3: View from a window

It took me quite a while to settle on a subject for this assignment, and I ended up using the most obvious subject available to me - the view of my garden seen from my patio doors.

The garden has a paved part near the door and then steps down to a small lower lawn.

The intention was to show the paving close to the house, with bushes in the middle and far distance.

After several try-out drawings to get the perspective right, I mapped out the drawing with a hard (2H) pencil and then went for watercolour pencils to provide colour. I ran a wet brush over some of the areas to get surafce colours, and then returned with dry pencils to try and introduce more detail.

On the whole, I'm not very happy with the result. The bushes in the middle distance look as if they are at the back of the garden, and the various flowers (mainly daffodils and Christmas roses, which have whitish bell-shaped flowers that hang down) just don't look as they should do.

What have I learned?

I need to do a lot more work on depicting distance through tone as well as through perspective. I also need to speed things up - this drawing took several days, and the previous drawing and preparation tooks a couple of weeks.

Anyway, here's the finished drawing...

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