Thursday 1 August 2013

Fabric draped on a chair

In this exercise (P 118 in course notes), the aim was to depict a piece of fabric draped over a chair.

I had three shots at this, using pen, charcoal and pencil, and I think each created their own effects and challenges. Although I felt safer using pencil, I have to say the boldness of the charcoal and the clarity of the pen sketch is much more eye-catching.

It's worth saying, I guess, that the exercise proved a lot harder than expected, and I think I'd like to experiment more with different types of fabric (silk, velvet) to see if I can express the actual texture of these different materials.

Anyway, here they are in the order they were drawn (pen, charcoal and pencil)...Still some work to do to show how the fabric hangs on the shape of the chair.

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