Monday 7 October 2013

Life drawing with Karin

The session began with a 15-minute pose. Having forgotten my new charcoal pencils, I reverted to standard pencils on coloured paper.

Karin the model draped herself in a sheet, but in the allotted time there was little opportunity to depict the folds of the material properly. I also spent too much time working on detail around the face and upper body, and didn't have the time to work on the legs.

Here's the result:
For the next pose of 25 minutes, the model lay on the floor with her legs propped up against the wall.
The main challenge here was her arms and hands which were partly hidden and in the case of the right arm, greatly foreshortened by the angle of the pose.

Here I switched to Conte crayon to achieve a better contrast between her and the sheet.

In the final 50-minute pose, I reverted to pencil, which I think works quite well for depicting the Chesterfield sofa, and the shine of the leather.
However, the model herself looks a bit anemic in my view (maybe I should have been bolder with the use of soft pencils), and I now realise her head is slightly too small.

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