Thursday 19 September 2013

Life drawing with model Chris

In this session with new model Chris, we limbered up with some short poses.

In this 10-minute study, I used charcoal pencil and initially struggled to get the right proportions and general shape of the body. But after ample application of the putty rubber, it got slightly closer to the right image...The left arm still looks a bit odd, but I ran out of time.

Then came this 15-minute pose, with Chris curled into a ball. I used Conte crayon for this, and I'm fairly pleased with the result.
Then for the final long (55 minutes) pose, I went back to charcoal pencil adding Conte crayon (white and brown) later to get more texture and shape. I'm quite pleased with some aspects of the picture, such as the sheen along his back which was created by the white sheet on which he was laying.
I still need to work in the finer details of the hands, but I think I've managed a better job of depicting the foreshortening of the legs which went away from me.
The left arm, I now realise, is slightly shorter than it should be, but I was running out of paper (classic mistake!) and wanted to include the hand.

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