Monday 23 July 2012

Shadows and reflected light - in charcoal

I took a white shiny jug and a glass vase and put them under a strong angled light.

The vase has a nice pattern and produced some very interesting shadow patterns, as well as distorting the shadow of the jug as it passed behind the vase.

However, I found this a very difficult exercise. Charcoal is pretty messy to work with anyway, and I kept accidentally smudging it. The putty rubber proved to be used in bringing out some of the shiny surfaces. I also attempted to convey the patterns of the glass (see top of vase) by drawing it black and then rubbing out to produce stripes, but I couldn't get enough precision using the rubber.

I'm not particularly happy with the resulting drawing, but I think I've learned a bit about applying charcoal (and the rubber!). I obviously have a long way to go before I can convey the impression of different materials such as glass.

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