Tuesday 17 July 2012

Supermarket group

With this exercise I tried to get as many different shapes together. Having learned from the previous exercise about the importance of getting the relative positions of objects correct, I was able to work on this with a bit more confidence this time.
I decided at the end to add a pen outline and then a bit of colour with crayons - not too sure about the results....(don't know how to rotate the picture)

Anyway, I dedided then to try again with another group, and to stick  to graphite pencil.

It's a similar grouping of objects, but with a bit more detail shown of the labelling. Again, the exercise showed me the value of trying to look without making assumptions about what you are seeing.

For instance, the shape of the coffee jar seemed slightly unnatural while I was drawing it, but I think that by just sticking closely to what I saw, it manages to look fairly close to the original...

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