Monday 19 November 2012

Fruit group in colour

I'm including two versions of this, because my first version went somewhat awry.

The big problem, I think, is that I tried to mix too many media. I started with coloured pencils and then realised I didn't have any orange to depict the two satsumas I'd placed in the group (satsumas are very hard to draw, I discovered!), so I went on to watercolour pencils and finally on to oil pastels.

The result is a bit of a mess, especially since I struggled to depict the darker shaded parts of the fruit. I didn't have dark orange (and anyway, the satsuma's dark patches looked grey, or even black), so I used black which really didn't work.

Anyway, here is is..

So I decided to give it another go, this time sticking with watercolour pencils from the beginning.

I'm slightly happier with this, especially as I was able to apply a little water to some of the colours to get the colour blocks. I built up from the lighter colours, such as the green of the apples, and then inserted the red blocks. Satsumas still present a challenge, although I think this one is marginally more recognisable than the earlier one.

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