Monday 12 November 2012

Still life group in tone

At last a chance to use some colour, in this case watercolour pencils.

The instructions for this exercise were to build up from the dark tones and to "keep the drawing spontaneous and full of energy".  I'm not sure I managed that; once some of the dark tones had been filled in, I immediately got sucked into the detail of the picture.

One other problem was that I chose a white tray on which to place the items, which included a white jug and a glass coffee pot with silver top. This meant very littel colour in a lot of the composition, with me using black and grey pencils much as I would for a normal pencil drawing. I also meant that a lot of the highlights in the silver and around the top of the jug were impossible to achieve on white paper (maybe if I'd used a darker paper, I could have made better use of white pencil).

So on the whole, I'm not wild about the results, which look like a pencil drawing with a bit of colour added.

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