Wednesday 21 November 2012

Fruit in marker pen

This turned out to be a disaster. This was in part due to a limited range of marker pens (borrowed from my grand-daughter's collection) and the fact that I just had a bamboo dip-pen and just a couple of coloured inks to play with.

Therefore, I just found it impossible to get any subtlety of tone or shade. Also, once you've made a mark, you're stuck with it and can't rescue. Therefore, when I used brown ink to produce the harsh shadow on the pear, this ended up as a brown splodge.

So I've abandoned this piece, on the basis that it will only get worse if I add any more to it. So here is the picture, and a photo of what I was trying to depict.

I might try and come back to this once I've got some more markers and inks, but for the moment, this is the best I can produce.

The photo:
And now the drawing:

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